
Tuesday, 5 February 2013

SEO 2013: Diversify your business and achieve targeted result

We have learned many things on SEO and mostly about Google that Google is not letting up on low value tactics. We’ve had the Penguin, Panda Update and a crack down on low quality exact match domains (EMDs).Though nobody of us knows what will be the Google’s next move but it is sure – there’s more to come. So it’s time for us to protect what we have built in 2013, but how is it possible?!!
There are a lot of thing to write down, but I am not going to take much time of yours. So here I am giving some ideas keep those in mind while doing SEO.
1. Diversify Anchor Text: 
Let’s start with an easy one. We’ve all known for a while that overly aggressive inbound link anchor text was pushing the envelope, and the Penguin Update definitely reinforced that message. If every link to your site reads “buy best Galaxy cheap Galaxy today!” it might as well read “spam spam spammy spam”, especially if it is in a sentence like:

            If you are looking for the best price on the new Galaxy, then buy best Galaxy cheap Galaxy  today! And get a Hand Bag Free of $100. 

            It’s not natural, and you know it. What’s the best way to make your anchor text seem “natural?” Stop obsessing over it. Yes, anchor text is a signal, but any solid link profile is going to naturally use relevant text and appear in the context of relevant text. If you want to tweak the text on some of your high-authority links, go for it.
2. Diversify Your Links:
 Any link building tactic can cause bad effect if you abuse it. The problem is that someone reads the tip how to make sharp links and starts publishing the same slapped-together junk to a lot of sites. Then they wonder why their rank dropped!
It will be good for your business if you take a hard look at where your link came from in 2012 and consider publishing new next year.
 3.   Diversify Traffic Sources:
There’s an 800-lb. Gorilla in the room, and we’re all writing more SEO blog posts to avoid talking about it. Most of us are far too dependent on Google for traffic. What would you do if something changed overnight? I know some of you will object – “But ALL my tactics are white-hat and I follow the rules!” Assuming that you understood the rules 100% accurately and really followed them to the letter, what if they changed?
The more I follow the Algorithm, the more I realize that the changing search UI and feature landscape may be even more important than the core algorithm itself. What happens if your competitor suddenly gets site-links, or you’re #8 on a SERP that drops to only 7 results, or everyone gets video snippets and you have no videos, or your niche shifts to paid inclusion and you can’t afford to pay? Even if you’ve followed the rules, your traffic could drop on a moment’s notice.
You need to think beyond Google. I know it’s tough, and it’s going to take time and money, but if you’re dependent on Google for your livelihood, then your livelihood is at serious risk.
4.      Diversify Your Marketing:
There’s been a very positive trend this year toward thinking about marketing much more broadly – not as a tactic to trick people into liking you, but as the natural extension of building a better mousetrap. I think if you do something amazing and you believe in it, everything you do is marketing. If you build crap and you know its crap, then marketing is sleight of hand that you hope to pull on the unsuspecting.
Stop taking shortcuts and make a real resolution in 2013 to think hard about what you do and why it has value. If you understand your value proposition, content and marketing naturally flow out of that. Talk to people outside of the SEO and marketing teams. Find out what your company does that’s unique, exciting, and resonates with customers.


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